
Do you want to sleep better?

This maybe what you are looking for.

Do you have trouble getting to sleep?
Do you have trouble staying asleep?
Are you sometimes too tired during the day?
Do you ask yourself in the middle of the night,
     “How can I get to sleep?”

This is how I finally started getting a wonderful night’s sleep.
   Now I wake
up really refreshed!

Learn to get a lovely deep sleep.

I was awake all night and tired all day.
When I turned 30 I started having sleep problems.  I had a few kids and lots of bills and the stress made it hard to sleep.  I was usually tired at breakfast and I went downhill from there. Trying to work when I was tired became a daily problem.   Being tired during the day made it harder for me to make enough money so I got even more stressed.

I knew that if I could get a good night’s sleep every night, I would have more energy and clarity, but I did not know how to make that happen.

In 1985 had a great job in sales and support at a new computer company.  I loved the job and my fellow workers but the problem I could not handle was there was always a ton of stuff to learn and I was always too tired to study.  This made it very difficult for me to keep up.

To make a long story short; I did not do as well as I could have done at work,  My lack of sleep gave me a brain fog that was costing me money. So eventually I had "that dreaded talk" with the boss and a few weeks later I was looking for another job.

It was just recently that a friend heard I was not sleeping well and told me he had started using something very new to help him get a deep sleep.  He called it a “sleep patch.”

Well, to tell you the truth I thought he was a bit nuts, but I had been tired for so long I thought to myself, “What have I got to lose?”

I tried a patch that night and for the first time in years I did not wake up until the sun was coming up!   It was a miracle. I felt great.  I had energy and my mind was alert. No brain fog.  I could stay focused on what I was doing.  I was super impressed.

I bought a months supply from my friend and tried them for 30 days.   The same thing happened almost every night.  I had a good night sleep and felt great the next day.  At the end of 30 days I ran out of patches and my poor sleep pattern returned.  This convinced me the patches work.

Many years ago when I was having this sleep problem I made a promise to myself that some day I would figure out how to sleep and share it with everyone who had the same problem.  I am happy to say that I have found an answer.  No one should have to go through years of brain fog like I did because of a lack of sleep.

how to sleep better
                 30 day supply of Silent Night
So...Let me tell you about these sleep patches.

The sleep patch is called Silent Night.
It is made by a company called Lifewave.

This is a girl wearing a silent night patch on her foot. 
You put it on at bedtime and take if off in the morning

                        David Schmidt
The background story
As you know it is important for our health to get a bit of sunlight on our skin daily.  Back in the 1990s the US Navy realized they had a serious health problem with the sailors who were spending six months at a time, underwater on nuclear submarines. Being underwater they were not getting the important benefits of daily sunlight.  

So the navy hired a medical researcher to develop a solution. They found a brilliant scientist David Schmidt who
worked on the solution until the Navy
suddenly dropped the program. 

So in 2004 David started his own company called Lifewave and he continued this research.  He developed some special material that would reflect the heat of the body back onto the skin at a similar frequency to sunlight.  This had the desired effect.

As he did more research he realized he could manipulate the material to reflect back various types of energy and create different effects.  He put the material into small round band-aid like patches and launched the new health product.

It was an instant success. People who tried on the patches noticed changes in their health almost immediately.  Most people notice a positive effect the first day, others in less than 2 weeks.  David continued his research and made several variations that all had slightly different effects on the body. Eventually he discovered a way to create the specific effect that would cause a person to get a deep sleep. These became the Silent Night patches. I am happy to attest to the fact … they work!

The SILENT NIGHT patches he developed for sleep are named correctly because that is exactly what you get, a silent night of sleep. I was skeptical when my friend first told me about these patches and no doubt you will be too, but they definitely work and are worth a try if you are having sleep problems.

LifeWave Silent Night Patches Explained.

The patches DO NOT have any chemicals in them.  Only the heat energy from your body is reflected back onto the skin. I know that sounds weird but it works!  If you are interested in how it works there is more information in the free bonuses you will get and a link to a scientific paper below.  There are thousands of happy users, I am sure they will work for you too....but you will never know until you try.

In summary the Silent Night patches have:
  • No drugs
  • No chemicals
  • No stimulants
  • No foods
They provide a:
  •  great night sleep
  •  drug free solution
  •  feeling of clarity and freshness in the morning
  •  freedom from tiredness during the day.
  •  an enhanced quality of sleep
The patches are:
  •  clinically shown to increase length of sleep by 66%
  •  an exclusive form of acupressure

Why is healthy sleep so important?
Sleep deficiency is tied to various health issues, including:
  •   fatigue,
  •   reduced muscle mass,
  •   slower metabolism,
  •   increased belly fat and
  •   sagging skin.
  •   anxiety
  •   dullness
  •   irritability
  •   dull, tired skin

And new research shows that a lack of sleep is a rising problem, especially in the U.S. where between 30 and 50 percent of all people have insomnia or complain of poor sleep.

Science Research Paper download

What should I feel when wearing Silent Nights?
You may experience a more restful night’s sleep that allows you to wake up feeling refreshed.

Has Silent Nights been tested?
Yes, multiple clinical studies prove that Silent Nights improves both quality and length of sleep. In fact, a clinical study showed a 66% increase in the time insomniacs slept who participated in the testing.

When should I wear the patches?
It is recommended that you wear the patch from the time you go to bed until you wake up in the morning.

Do they work for everyone all the time?
No.  Depending on what is causing the sleep problem they may not work.  For example, if you are in a noisy room, or you have a tooth ache the patches may not work.  But for most normal sleep issues they seem to make a difference.  The results can vary from night to night depending on what you have eaten,  how tired you are, when you go to bed,  etc.


“I have had neck and sleep problems for years. I had to use tablets because of pain in my neck and to be able to sleep. A good friend introduced LifeWave products to me and it was too good to be true I thought to myself. I became very eager to try it out thinking that I could perhaps replace pills with patches that don’t put anything negative in my body. It’s been three months without pills and with the Silent Nights patch, and I sleep well and wake up refreshed. The patches are absolutely brilliant for me and I would like to recommend them to others. A big thanks to LifeWave technology, which I see as a revolution in health. With kind regards.” — Hronn T.

“I tried the patch Silent Nights for my long trips and it is fantastic how I feel relaxed in the airplane during the long hours of flight and I arrive a lot fresher than before to the destination. It is great!” — Christine G.

“I have struggled with quality sleep since high school. I rarely fell asleep easily and it was tough to reach REM sleep when I would finally doze off. After my first application of Silent Nights, the results were immediate and outstanding! As soon as I applied the patch (temple location), right way I was able to feel calm and it wasn’t long before I was completely sound asleep. I woke the next day after about 7 hours of sleep, feeling better than I had since I was a youngling! In all truth, Silent Nights is a life saver because it alone helped me to take back my sleep. I am more rested, alert, and in much better physical condition for it. What a difference a good nights sleep can make. Silent Nights does exactly what it advertises and I am completely grateful!” — Tony

Here is a video you can watch
to see how to apply the patches.

How to purchase the Silent Night sleep patches

Wholesle Starter Pack (1 month supply)  $69.95  USD (Plus Shipping and Tax)
You can register as a retail customer with  Lifewave Company and order a one month supply. There is a $25 account setup fee.  !00% money back gurantee!
You will get 30 sleep patches.
You will be able to order more patches in the future with this wholesale account.
This comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

30 Day money back guarantee

To order use the Lifewave website of the person who sent you to this page.  Their website  will look something like this.
where xxx is their username.

For details on how to sign up
Click Here.
