Some tips on how to start using the patches                                                                              BACK
Here are a few tips when you first start using the patches.

Track your results
This website explains a bit about how to use the patch and has a down loadable pdf that helps new people track their progress.  Very important to download and print this before you start. This also explains where to put the patches.

How much watter should I drink?
Drink enough water!!!  Most everyone does not drink enough water.  The body does not function well on a low water level.  So be sure to drink lots of water.  If your mouth feels dry you need water.  Other signs of dehydration can be tiredness, headache, brain fog etc.  This is very important point. Things like coffee and alchol actualy dehydrate the body so if you are using these drink even more water.
Mayo Clinic Minute: How Much Water Should You Drink?

How much is the right amount?

Facebook Page
This is a Facebook page my upline made for us.  He posts really good info on here you can do a search for allergies etc.  Be sure to join the Facebook page.

This is the Lifewave YouTube channel

How do I log in to my account?
If you have signed up as an Lifewave Independent Distributor, you can log into your back office. 
Just go to:  and click on LOGIN
Then enter your user name and password.
There is a lot of good info in the back office especially in the RESOURCES tab.
There are many importatnt TIPS in the :NEW MEMBER INFORMATION section.  Be sure to watch these videos and apply time.

How long should I leave the patches on?
I am often asked how long to leave the patches on.  What I understand is they stop working after about 12 hours being exposed to the body heat.  It is a good idea to remove the patches after 12 hours.  One recommendations is to put them on in the morning and remove them 12 hours later. 
(Except for the Silent Night sleep patches which need to be worn at night.)
What is very important is you don't put any one patch on more then once ever 24 hours.  Otherwise your body can get used to them and they will not have the full effect in the future.  You can wear 2 or more different patches at the same time. 

Can they get wet?
It does not matter if they get wet.

Can heat effect the patches?
Heat is what triggers the patches to work.  They start working when they are placed on your skin and the heat of you body activates them.  What you have to be careful of is you don't store them near heat.  For example if you were to put the package of them in your pocket the whole lot would be exposed to heat and they would all be ruined after 12 hours.  Likewise if you left them in the sun or in a hot car, or hot mailbox they will not be of much use afterwards.  Dont put them in the fridge or freezer.  Just store them at room temperature.  Some people wrap the cardboard sleeve in alumnum foil to reflect heat away from the patches.

How fast will I notice results? 
In my experience it varies from person to person. Depending on how good or bad condition one is in at the start one may or may not notice dramatic results.  I have seen people notice things instantly, and some results come only after 6 weeks.  Be sure to use the tracker in #1 above to track your progress so you are aware of subtle changes over time.  Also water seems to have an effect on the results as in #2 above.  You may find it helpful to think of the patches are preventive matience.  Rather then tinking of getting some dramatic result the first day, think of it as something that will ensure you are youthful years from now.  I think of it as cheep health insurance.

LifeWave "Mistake" - Thinking That Nothing is Happening  (YouTube  40 mins)
What do you do when you don't think the patches are working? More often than not, they are, and in this video Dr. Karen breaks down the most common possibilities as to "why" you might not be feeling it.
Click Here

How to place the patches
Click Here